
Speech in Parliament on 1800RESPECT

8.00pm | March 28, 2017

I rise to speak about the 1800RESPECT service because over the past few months there has been a real concern about this service. This is what happens when something is not quite right, because we have seen media coverage, we have online petitions, we have social media advocacy and the union has been speaking out and has been active.

Speech In Parliament On Housing Affordability

5.30pm | March 22, 2017

The motion we are considering this afternoon asks us to debate how the federal government's housing affordability policy will fail young Australians unless it ends tax breaks for investors, removes stamp duties, and transitions to a broad based land tax. 

Speech in Parliament on the Trans Pacific Partnership

2.20pm | November 30, 2016

More than a week ago Labor made the public observation that the Trans-Pacific Partnership is dead. We did so on the back of the very public statements by President-elect Trump that he remains opposed to the trade deal. 

Speech in Parliament on East Timor

1.40pm | November 30, 2016

I rise to speak about the relationship between Australia and our close neighbour and friend, Timor-Leste.

Mavis Robertson Address to the Conference of Major Superannuation Funds 2016

3.20pm | November 29, 2016

I’d like to start by acknowledging that we meet on the traditional lands of the Kaurna people. I pay my respects to their elders, past and present. I would like to acknowledge the family of Mavis Robertson – it is a great honour to give the address which bears her name.

Speech in Parliament on the ABCC Bill

2.40pm | November 28, 2016

Before turning to the substance of the bill, I would like to take a moment to look at the path it has taken to get here. When the Prime Minister used this bill is a trigger for a double dissolution election, he talked about how important and urgent the bill was. That is not borne out in any way by the path that the bill has taken. 

Speech in Parliament on Coral Bleaching

1.20pm | November 28, 2016

The One Nation family holiday to the Great Barrier Reef is a joke. It is hilarious that Senator Roberts, who is so keen to insist on—so keen to demand—empirical evidence from others, is happy to conclude that the Reef is healthy based on a single dive. Now, where was that dive?

Speech in Parliament on Tax Transparency

2.40pm | November 24, 2016

I rise to support the motion, and in doing so I want to place it in its proper context, which is that the government is most keen to have a debate about taxation and in particular have a debate about the GST and the role that a rise in the GST might play in plugging holes in revenue and in funding a cut to corporate taxes. 

Speech in Parliament on Economic Winners and Losers

1.30pm | November 21, 2016

The Prime Minister has spoken about the need to undertake reforms to deliver long-term gains for all Australians, which may create winners and losers in the near term. It was a fairly clear statement about how he sees that dynamic. 

Speech in Parliament on Climate Change Scepticism

1.30pm | November 21, 2016

It’s 2016. We shouldn’t be devoting an hour of time in this chamber to debating whether climate change is real. We should be devoting a month to exploring ways to address it.