McAllister and Deegan Media Release: Recognising the Strength of North Coast Services
Senator Jenny McAllister and Patrick Deegan today visited Jumbunna Pre-School and Early Intervention Centre and Baptist Church Community Preschool in Casino, New South Wales as part of National Child Protection week (2-8 September 2018). Labor recognises the importance of institutions like these in helping to raise happy and healthy children on the NSW North Coast.
Media Release: For Profit Aged Care Providers Have Serious Questions to Answer about their Tax Practices
Tax officials informed a hearing of the Senate Economics References Committee inquiry into the Tax Practices of For Profit Aged Care Providers that they had concerns about arrangements used by some in the sector. Such arrangements – including the use of profit shifting via related party transactions, and stapled structures – had been highlighted by a report by the Tax Justice Network in collaboration with the Australian Nurses and Midwives Association.
Media Release: Appointment as Shadow Assistant Minister for Families and Communities
t’s an honour to be appointed as the Shadow Assistant Minister for Families and Communities. I am excited to be taking up Labor’s fight in this portfolio with my friend and colleague Linda Burney. I thank Bill Shorten for this opportunity.
King and McAllister Media Release: Labor to Lead Senate Inquiry into My Health Record
Labor will lead a comprehensive Senate inquiry into Malcolm Turnbull’s My Health Record fiasco amid ongoing privacy and security concerns. We remain deeply concerned that the Government’s bungled rollout of the My Health Record opt-out period has severely undermined public trust in this important reform.
Opinion Editorial: The Australian Public Service Deserves a Leader Who Respects It
The position of Merit Protection Commissioner for the Australian Public Service is not one that receives much public attention. Despite its low profile, it plays a crucial role in ensuring integrity across the APS. It is deeply concerning that the Turnbull Government allowed the position to remain vacant for over six months.
Media Release: Government Fails to Take Action on Pay Equity
Documents tabled out of session in the Senate yesterday reveal that five years after coming to office, this Government still has no real plan to close the gender pay gap. Last year, the Senate Finance and Public Administration Committee handed down its report into gender segregation in the workplace and its impact on women’s economic equality.
Transcript: Jenny McAllister on the Gender Breakdown of the Government’s Proposed Tax Cuts
We want to see tax relief from July one this year. That is absolutely our goal and in fact under our proposal, not only would we like to see tax relief from July one this year, we'd also like to see additional tax relief twelve months later. Almost twice as much for quite a large number of tax payers.
Transcript: Jenny McAllister on Tax Cuts
Nobody can accuse Australian women of not pulling their weight in the Australian economy. Many women go to work, they work hard for their employers then they go home and do a second shift looking after kids or looking after other family members.
Transcript: Jenny McAllister on Senate Estimates, John Lloyd, Pauline Hanson's Secret Deals with the Government and Tax Cuts
Mr John Lloyd is the man who is charged with taking responsibility for the values and the integrity of the Australian Public Service. Yesterday he gave a performance so bad that it left the Government Ministers sitting around him essentially confused about what to do. Mr Lloyd was contemptuous with the processes of the Senate.
Butler and McAllister Media Release: Turnbull Government Weasel Words on 1800RESPECT
Today, the Turnbull Government tabled their response to the 1800RESPECT Senate Inquiry and unsurprisingly they have not made a significant commitment to addressing any of the recommendations.