
Straight from the Senate - Issue 36

4.10pm | May 25, 2018

This week Senator Wong and I tried to get to the bottom of the allegations against Mr John Lloyd, the Australian Public Service Commissioner.

Straight from the Senate - Issue 35

11.45am | May 11, 2018

The Coalition’s budget is fundamentally unfair and will make working and middle class Australians pay for tax cuts to the big end of town.

Straight from the Senate - Issue 34

4.30pm | March 16, 2018


I’m presently leading a Senate inquiry into the digital delivery of government services. It’s a boring title, but a fascinating subject!

Straight from the Senate - Issue 33

5.00pm | March 02, 2018


This week in Senate Estimates I asked the Australian Public Service Commissioner, John Lloyd, about an email to the IPA he sent commenting on Labor Senator, Penny Wong

Straight from the Senate - Issue 32

9.50am | September 09, 2017


Yesterday I heard from Indigenous Australians from the First Nations Workers' Alliance.

Straight from the Senate - Issue 31

10.00am | September 04, 2017


Last week I travelled to Alice Springs as part of the Senate inquiry I am chairing into joblessness in remote Aboriginal communities.

Straight from the Senate - Issue 30

5.00pm | August 27, 2017


Last week I spoke with community members and students at The University of Sydney about the importance of enrolling to have their say in the upcoming postal survey on marriage equality. LGBTIQ Australians deserve our support.

Straight from the Senate - Issue 29

5.00pm | August 18, 2017


This week I spoke in parliament on a number of issues, including: The need for politicians to stand up against racism.

Straight from the Senate - Issue 28

5.00pm | August 12, 2017


I recently had the opportunity to travel with Save the Children to visit the Zaatari refugee camp in Jordan. It was a profoundly moving experience.

Straight from the Senate - Issue 27

5.00pm | August 06, 2017


Yesterday I hosted a citizenship forum in Hurstville with Shadow Minister for Multicultural Australia and Citizenship Tony Burke MP.