This week, parliament is sitting for the first time under an Albanese Labor Government. I am so proud to be part of an experienced team with vision, leadership and energy to tackle cost of living pressures, reduce climate emissions and return respect to politics.
In my new capacity as the Assistant Minister for Climate Change and Energy, I have been working with Chris Bowen, Minister for Climate Change and Energy, to get started on implementing our ambitious plans to boost renewable energy, increase energy efficiency, create jobs, cut power bills and reduce emissions.
This newsletter is designed to provide you with insights into my work and the important issues being debated in parliament, with a focus on the Senate.
First Nations people in the Torres Strait care deeply for each other, sea and country. It was a great honour to meet with many Torres Strait leaders a few weeks ago with my colleagues Minister Bowen, Nita Green, Senator for Queensland, and Jana Stewart, Senator for Victoria.
Philemon Mosby, Mayor of Torres Strait Island Regional Council introduced us to the island community on Puruma who have deep cultural ties, family bonds and connection to their lands and seas. Right now, this community is constructing a sea wall to prevent incursions from rising sea levels.
Other Torres Strait Islander people I met spoke of their distress at important burial sites being disturbed by erosion. People are afraid for the future.
While people are preparing their communities and homes for unavoidable climate impacts we can no longer avoid, they are also fighting and advocating for strong climate action. I was grateful to receive their frank advice & insights, and their generous invitation to work as partners.

A few weeks ago I had the great pleasure of standing alongside the Prime Minister and Minister Bowen as we formally notified the UNFCCC of our intended updated interim target.
We plan to introduce the 2030 emissions reduction target of 43% to parliament this sitting fortnight.
For too long, Australia has delayed action. I am overjoyed to be part of a government with ambitious plans for boosting renewable energy and rewiring the nation.

Our government co-hosted the Sydney Energy Forum on 12-13 July to bring together political and business leaders from across the Indo Pacific. The Forum fostered connections among investors, business and government with a shared commitment to a clean energy future.
On Monday 12 July, Minister Bowen and Jennifer M Granholm, United States Secretary of Energy, signed the Australia-US Net Zero Technology Acceleration Partnership. This partnership will accelerate development and deployment of zero emissions technology, aiming to deliver on 2030 targets and reach net zero by 2050.
You can find Prime Minister Anthony Albanese's address to the forum here.
Over the next two weeks, both houses of parliament are sitting. I will be keeping you updated on the important issues being debated, including introducing our government's bill to enshrine our updated emission reduction target.
You can get quick and timely updates from the Senate by following me on Facebook and Twitter and invite your friends and family to sign up to this newsletter here.
Yours sincerely,
Jenny McAllister
Assistant Minister for Climate Change and Energy Senator for New South Wales

P.S. Last week I had the honour of speaking at two incredible events. You can read my speech at the Women in Renewables Luncheon here and my speech at the First Nations Clean Energy Symposium here.

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