Straight from the Senate - Issue 44
Canberra was buzzing with activity during the last sitting fortnight. Just when we thought the chaos of the Government had reached its heights, the Prime Minister sought to double down in the lead up to the Wentworth by-election. From gaffes to developing foreign policy on the run – the Coalition proved they aren’t up to the task of governing. The people of Wentworth agreed and sent the Government into minority. Meanwhile, in the senate we were quizzing the Government in Budget Estimates. It has been a busy couple of weeks - here are the highlights.
Straight from the Senate - Issue 43
This week I spoke in the Senate about the division inside the Liberal Party and the effect this is having on regional representation.
Straight from the Senate - Issue 42
I am honoured to have been appointed Labor’s Shadow Assistant Minister for Families and Communities. This portfolio plays such a crucial role in tackling inequality and social disadvantage. It is an area of government policy that directly impacts the lives of almost every Australian.
Straight from the Senate - Issue 41
This week the Senate primarily debated assisted dying. I spoke and voted in favour because I firmly believe that we all have the right to die with dignity.
Straight from the Senate - Issue 40
Last week I travelled to the North Coast of NSW to discuss forest conservation and koala habitat preservation with the National Parks Association. Koala populations are in decline.
Straight from the Senate - Issue 39
Last weekend I moved at the NSW Labor annual conference that the next Labor Government take concrete and specific actions to improve women’s economic security in retirement, including paying super on parental leave and investigating options to ‘top up’ low balance accounts.
Straight from the Senate - Issue 38
Last week the Liberal National Conference voted to privatise the ABC. The ABC is a national institution that millions enjoy and a cornerstone of our democracy. Labor will never privatise the ABC.
Straight from the Senate - Issue 37
Treasury Secretary, John Fraser, said that Treasury could not provide any analysis on how the income tax cuts impact different areas or genders because the cuts are “gender neutral”.